
1- What colors are available?
Uv Red, Blue, Uv Yellow, Multicolor Red, White & Blue.

2- How do you replace the batteries?
Unscrew the Tireflash in the center. Remove the old batteries. Place the new batteries with the negative (-) side toward the LED light. The positive (+) side is perfectly flat and what will press against the tension spring as you screw the two pieces of the Tireflash back together.

3- Are Tireflashes legal in my area?
For mounting on bicycle and motorcycle it is legal in all states. For car mounting please check with your local law enforcement

4- Where can I find replacement batteries?
Batteries can be purchased at many retailers who sell Tireflash or Battery sellers.

5- What's the difference between Tireflash and Tireflash UV?
Tireflash - Tireflash are made of an ultra-bright LED light in a plastic housing.
Tireflash UV - Tireflash UV emits high intensity Ultra Violet light and the casing is infused with a material that glows when exposed to UV light.

6- Which ones are the brightest?
While all of our Tireflashes are ultra-bright, the Tireflashes UV's offer the additional punch of UV light interacting with UV sensitive material.

7- Are they light sensitive? Do they come on just at night or during the day?
Tireflashes are motioned activated, so they blink anytime there is motion - day or night.

8- Are there any anti-theft devices to keep people stealing them?
No, but Tireflashes are designed not to blink when the vehicle/bike is not moving so they do not draw unwanted attention.

9- How does the Tireflash turn on and off?
Tireflashes are motion activated. When the wheel is at rest, it turns off.

10- How long do the batteries last?
The length of the batteries depends on the type of Tireflashes, usage and weather conditions. In optimum conditions the batteries should last up to 75 "blinking" hours. Three color Tireflashes have the largest battery drain and last between 25 and 40 hours.

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